Learn the basic roles for a simple event.
We estimate it will take about 2 hours to go over this packet carefully the first time, including 1/2 hour for reading the basic event roles and completing the online event roles review. If you do not have this time, then reconsider whether you wish to organize an event.
- Event Organizing Primer
- Course and Starter
- Sign-in Instructions version 01/24 Registration Instructions
- Finish and Scoring
- Checkpoint record and course sweep
- Electronic gizmos version 01/24 Electronic “Gizmo” List
- Mile Split Prep
Guides from other organizations
- Rainbow Racing Guide
- Pikes Peak Road Runners Guide
- Championship Racing Race Director 101
- Joplin Road Runners Race Director 101
- DG Productions Suggested RD Timeline
- USATF Officials Resources
- USATF Road Running Technical Council has technical finish line details
Organizing a PAC Event
General Clerking and Registration
- Sign-In Sheet
- General Crew Sign-In Sheet
- Start Sheet
- Select Time Sheet
- Score Sheet
- Volunteer Certification
- PAC Rules
- Place Card Template (3×4-8-sheets)
- Place Card Template (3×4)